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In order to provide funding for classroom enrichment initiatives at Midland Educational Foundation relies on family and community support. The board works with teachers throughout the year to determine which resources need additional funding. In the past we've been able to support Artist-in-Residence teachers (choir, mindfulness), Technology Fund, BizTown program for 5th Graders, classroom literature and Developmental Reading Assessment Kits, teacher reimbursements for supplemental classroom materials, and Running Club.

There are several ways you can help!


We are able to support these initiatives with Midland family participation primarily through our two main fundraisers;

Square1 Art in the fall and the Fun Run in the Spring. As well as smaller events and opportunities throughout the year, such as the Birthday Banner, Holiday Photoshoot, and monthly Restaurant Nights!




Direct Corporate Grants to MEF!

MEF is looking for parents who work for tech firms to help us acquire corporate grants. Many tech companies (communications tech, biotech/biomedical, aerospace/maritime tech, etc) offer grants to non-profit organizations, but only if directly recommended by their own employees. For example, Qualcomm, Illumina, and Viasat all offer corporate grants if requested by their employees. MEF will prepare any application or writeup needed – but we need YOU parents to make the recommendation!


If you work for a tech company, please reach out to MEF at Thank you!

Make Sure to Ask for Your Corporate Match!

Many companies offer their employees a corporate match for donations to non-profit organizations. Have you checked in with your employer to see if they’ll match your donation to the Foundation? Please check the PUSD Matching Gifts.


Search to see if your employer will match your donation – you could DOUBLE your impact!



Thank you to all the donors who have supported the Foundation! The Midland Educational Foundation is a tax exempt non-profit 501(c)(3) organization.


Join the MEF Board! 

Members attend in person meetings once a month and can hold a position (e.g. President, Secretary, Treasurer, etc.) or simply volunteer for activities as needed! Email us at to join.




© 2024 by Midland Educational Foundation. 

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